As you travel to your destination on vacation, tour,business or study,
we wish you all the best.Regardless of wich ever part of the world you travel to,
we ask you to be cautious and take care of your self so as to avoid the killer disease "AIDS'.
This desease now spread worldwide and could be easily contracted,but impossible to cure.
What is AIDS ?
AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a disease caused by
a virus called Human Immuno-deficiency Virus ( HIV). This virus breaks down the body's natural defences againts illness, exposing the victim to host of secondary
infections and some form of cancer. An infected person tests positive for AIDS virus
and may show no external symptoms of the disease. Some others may develop a milder but often debilitating illness called AIDS - Related Complex ( ARC), with characteristic
features such as chronic fatique, fever, weight loss, night sweats, headache, itching,diarrhea, lethargy and abnormal blood counts, while still others may develop the full blown form of AIDs, which is fatal with in two to three years time.
AIDS is spread by :
- Sexual relations with AIDS patien or virus carrier.
- Contaminated blood or blood products transfusion.
- From mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth or
breast feeding.
- Sharing contaminated needles or skin percing instruments
in drug addicts, tatto, ear piercing and acupuncture.
- Organ transplant from AIDS patient or virus carrier to a
normal person.
AIDS is not spread by :
- Hand shaking, hugging and casual contact.
- Eating and sharing cutlery at restaurants and other public places.
- Using hotel linen and towels
- Using public telephoned
- Visiting a patient at a hostel
- Donating blood
- Riding Taxis, buses, metro, subway, trains and aeroplanes-
- Blood sucking insects e.g. mosquitos
- Coughing and sneezing
Symptoms of AIDS :
- Prolonged fatique for no apparent reason.
- White spots in the mouth ( thrush)
- Swollen lymph glands in the neck, armfit, or groin
- Night sweats
- Persistent diarrhoea
- Unexplained rapid weight loss
- Unusual skin blotches ( pink or purple)
- Persistent unexplained cough
- Opportunistic infections e.g. Pneumocystis carinii
The presence of two or more of these symptoms for twoo weeks indicate the need for
medical advice.Never ignore, or hesitate to see a doctor. If you are worried, have your concerns checked out.
Protection againts AIDS
From the Holly Quran : Nor come night to adultery : For it is a shameful ( deed) and an evil.opening the road ( to other evils). Al-Isra(32)
Why AIDS is dangerous :
At present there is no CURE or VACCINE for AIDS<>